The Firm: Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf
Trust Account Advocate. Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf is a registered firm with the Legal Practice Council of South Africa. It holds offices in Cape Town. However represents clients all over South Africa. If required, he would travel out to your province to attend to you matter. Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf is a Trust Account practice, which means it may take instructions directly from members of the public. This is compared to referral advocates who may not take instructions directly from members of the public.
Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf’s practice allows clients to deposit money into their Trust Account. To do so, it needs to hold a valid fidelity fund certificate, which it does. Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf may appear on its client’s behalf in all courts in the Republic of South Africa. These include the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court of Appeal, all High Court and magistrates courts in all provinces in South Africa.
The services you may instruct the firm of Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf to represent you in are as follows:
High Court matters
- Civil claim surrounding money;
- Interdicts;
- Divorces (Opposed and unopposed);
- Child Custody and guardianship disputes;
- Relocation of minor children;
- Various criminal matters;
- Minor children surname changes;
- Appeals and Reviews; and
- Other matters.
Magistrates Court matters
- Civil claim surrounding money;
- Various criminal matters;
- Interdicts;
- Maintenance Court matters;
- Divorces Court matters (Opposed and unopposed)’
- Children’s Court matter; and
- Other matters.
Constitutional Court
- Appeals
Supreme Court of Appeal
- Appeals and Reviews
Consult with, or Instruct Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf
If you would like to have a legal advice consultation with Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf, feel free to use the Our Lawyer online appointment form by clicking here. Should you already have consulted with Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf and wish to mandate and instruct the firm, kindly proceed with completing the mandate form using this mandate link.